[[Observing Log]]

* CSV2016: Subref tilt offsets of DASH345/BAND8 (2016-08-26) [#le84eaea]

** Tasks [#ted1d5f9]
- 220GHz opacity <= 0.07 -> Subref tilt offsets in BAND8
- 220GHz opacity > 0.07 -> Subref tilt offsets in DASH345

*** Preparations [#ldc3a58a]
+ Basic checks
-- Record which kisa files are used for DASH345 and BAND8
 aste16@aste-ms1: ssh astecntl@aste-1c "ls -l /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/{DASH3,BAND8}"
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 astecntl astctl 12 Jun  3  2015 /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/BAND8 -> BAND8.150603
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 astecntl astctl 12 Jun  1  2015 /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/DASH3 -> DASH3.150601
-- Check all subref parameters (dx,dy,dz,dtx,dty,dtz) are zero
-- Check Aspirin is working in the "WIND ON" mode
+ Tuning at EL=60.0 deg
-- [[Tuning of DASH345/BAND8 for continuum observations>CSV/2016#i6322df7]]
-- Don't forget to record weather conditions
*** Subref tilt offsets in DASH345/BAND8 [#oc735aad]
+ Repeat cross scans toward Saturn with various (dtx,dty)
-- Pointing toward Saturn
 BAND8:   stx5b8.start
 DASH345: stx5d3.start
-- Repeat cross scans toward Saturn using the batch mode
 BAND8:   ststb8.list (NOT stsbb8.list)
 DASH345: ststd3.list (NOT stsbd3.list)
---&color(red){Don't forget to turn on auto-pointing in the QLOOKC GUI};
---&color(red){Set AVERAGE = 1 in the QLOOKC GUI};
+ Data reduction
-- Still under preparation


** Information [#a03bae7e]
- Observers: Kamazaki
- Site: Mitaka
- Weather conditions (2016-08-25T23:36)
 Temperature: -0.33 C
 Humidity: 0.70 hPa
 Wind: 4.10 m/s (259 deg)
 220GHz opacity: 0.0273

** 220GHz opacity <= 0.07 -> Subref tilt offsets in BAND8 [#s451c36c]

***Preparation [#hc26bcfc]
+ Basic checks
-- KISA files
 [aste16@aste-ms1 ~]$ ssh astecntl@aste-1c "ls -l /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/{DASH3,BAND8}"
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 astecntl astctl 12 Jun  3  2015 /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/BAND8 -> BAND8.150603
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 astecntl astctl 12 Jun  1  2015 /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/DASH3 -> DASH3.150601
-- All subref parameters are zeros
-- Aspirin is ok
 Current time = 2016/08/25 23:57:00
 Aspirin time = 2016/08/25 23:56:58
 Weather time = 2016/08/25 23:56:50
 Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   3.20,  -5.26 )
 Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
 Refraction Corr. status : OK

*** Tuning [#v2d64a37]
 [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ swbox_ctl_be CONT
 [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ swbox_ctl_be
 status: swbox_ctl_be CONT
 [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ asterx_sw BAND8
 ### After setting synthe ###
 FREQ = 11.444000000 [GHz]
 AMPL = 13.00 [dBm]
 RF   = ON
 [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ asterx_set BAND8
 ### Query of LO Freq ###
 LO Freq = 411.984000000
 ### Set CLNA ###
 /cosmos3/naoj/bin/femc_ctl BAND8 CLNA_ON 411.984000000
 vd0=0.650000, id0=5.000000
 vd1=0.600000, id1=4.500000
 vd2=0.600000, id2=4.500000
 Ver 0.91
 Program running.
 Do not turn off power to CAN nodes.
 ---------- 45 4C 01 08 00 E1nd at Node index 00
 AMBSI CAN Library V1.1.2
 AMBSI Firmware V1.0.1
 FEMC Firmware V2.5.0
 FPGA V2.1.0
 10 F2 B3 58 2 8 0 1B
 1 A4 9A 4F 14 0 0 19
 23 9B DE 4C 1 0 0 44
 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 > SET_CLNA 0 1 0.65 5.00 0.60 4.50 0.60 4.50 
 > SET_CLNA 0 2 0.65 5.00 0.60 4.50 0.60 4.50 
 > SET_CLNA 1 1 0.65 5.00 0.60 4.50 0.60 4.50 
 > SET_CLNA 1 2 0.65 5.00 0.60 4.50 0.60 4.50 
 > GET_CLNA 0 1 
 > GET_CLNA 0 2 
 > GET_CLNA 1 1 
 > GET_CLNA 1 2 
 CAN closed
 ### Set Electro-magnet ###
 /cosmos3/naoj/bin/femc_ctl BAND8 MAG_ON 411.984000000
 v=12.800000, 13.400000, 10.400000, 19.100000
 Ver 0.91
 Program running.
 Do not turn off power to CAN nodes.
 ---------- 45 4C 01 08 00 E1nd at Node index 00
 AMBSI CAN Library V1.1.2
 AMBSI Firmware V1.0.1
 FEMC Firmware V2.5.0
 FPGA V2.1.0
 10 F2 B3 58 2 8 0 1B
 1 A4 9A 4F 14 0 0 19
 23 9B DE 4C 1 0 0 44
 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 > ACT_DEMAG 0 1 30.00 1.00 100 
 > ACT_DEMAG 0 2 30.00 1.00 100 
 > ACT_DEMAG 1 1 30.00 1.00 100 
 > ACT_DEMAG 1 2 30.00 1.00 100 
 > SET_MAG_C 0 1 12.80 
 > SET_MAG_C 0 2 13.40 
 > SET_MAG_C 1 1 10.40 
 > SET_MAG_C 1 2 19.10 
 > GET_MAG_VC 0 1 
 > GET_MAG_VC 0 2 
 > GET_MAG_VC 1 1 
 > GET_MAG_VC 1 2 
 CAN closed
 ### Set SIS bias ###
 /cosmos3/naoj/bin/femc_ctl BAND8 SIS_ON 411.984000000
 411.984000 2.001608 2.049580 1.996820 1.957012
 Ver 0.91
 Program running.
 Do not turn off power to CAN nodes.
 ---------- 45 4C 01 08 00 E1nd at Node index 00
 AMBSI CAN Library V1.1.2
 AMBSI Firmware V1.0.1
 FEMC Firmware V2.5.0
 FPGA V2.1.0
 10 F2 B3 58 2 8 0 1B
 1 A4 9A 4F 14 0 0 19
 23 9B DE 4C 1 0 0 44
 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 > SET_SIS_V 0 1 2.002 
 > SET_SIS_V 0 2 2.050 
 > SET_SIS_V 1 1 1.997 
 > SET_SIS_V 1 2 1.957 
 > GET_SIS_VC 0 1 
 > GET_SIS_VC 0 2 
 > GET_SIS_VC 1 1 
 > GET_SIS_VC 1 2 
 CAN closed
 ### Set LO Power ###
 /cosmos3/naoj/bin/femc_ctl BAND8 WCA_ON 411.984000000
 v=1.828200, -0.300000, 2.500000, -0.350000
 Ver 0.91
 Program running.
 Do not turn off power to CAN nodes.
 ---------- 45 4C 01 08 00 E1nd at Node index 00
 AMBSI CAN Library V1.1.2
 AMBSI Firmware V1.0.1
 FEMC Firmware V2.5.0
 FPGA V2.1.0
 10 F2 B3 58 2 8 0 1B
 1 A4 9A 4F 14 0 0 19
 23 9B DE 4C 1 0 0 44
 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 > SET_PA_VD 0 1.83 
 > SET_PA_VG 0 -0.30 
 > SET_PA_VD 1 2.50 
 > SET_PA_VG 1 -0.35 
 > GET_PA 0 
 > GET_PA 1 
 CAN closed
 [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ swbox_ctl_pol 1 0
 [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ swbox_ctl_pol
 status: swbox_ctl_pol 1 0
 400:P1-LSB	402:P0-LSB
 [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ cont_if 2 21
 changed Cont IF #2 att. = 21 [dB]
 Cont IF #2 Lev. = -0.000362 [V]
 [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ cont_if 3 23
 changed Cont IF #3 att. = 0 [dB]
 Cont IF #3 Lev. = -0.000311 [V]

*** Pointing [#t8a4d4f4]
- UT 23:45 aste16/sbrf16/stx5b8.start
 az,el   = -83 74
 daz,del = 0.0 0.0 -> -3.0 -2.0
 dx,dy,dz,dtx,dty,dtz = all zeros
 Pk_val = ~28

*** Subref tilt offset measurements [#p06d5e4d]
- UT 23:55 aste16/sbrf16/ststb8.list
 az, el   = -84 74
 daz,del = -3.0 -2.0
 dx,dy,dz,dtx,dty,dtz = all zeros
 2016/08/25 23:56:58
  Temp. :  -0.29 C   Humid. : 12.12 % (  0.72 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   1.57 m/s  284 deg   AirPressure : 572.65 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0500
 Current time = 2016/08/25 23:57:00
 Aspirin time = 2016/08/25 23:56:58
 Weather time = 2016/08/25 23:56:50
 Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   3.20,  -5.26 )
 Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )

- UT00:09 ststb8b.start: scan 4-6 looks to be bad

- UT00:51
 az,el = -91 61
 2016/08/26 00:51:31
  Temp. :  -1.07 C   Humid. : 12.23 % (  0.69 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   2.48 m/s  211 deg   AirPressure : 572.59 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0314
 Current time = 2016/08/26 00:51:34
 Aspirin time = 2016/08/26 00:51:33
 Weather time = 2016/08/26 00:51:20
 Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   5.48,  -3.27 )
 Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
 Refraction Corr. status : OK

-UT 01:37
 az,el = -94 50
 2016/08/26 01:37:47
  Temp. :  -2.71 C   Humid. : 15.29 % (  0.77 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   2.22 m/s  207 deg   AirPressure : 572.61 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0571
 Current time = 2016/08/26 01:37:50
 Aspirin time = 2016/08/26 01:37:48
 Weather time = 2016/08/26 01:37:37
 Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   5.38,  -3.23 )
 Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
 Refraction Corr. status : OK

- UT 02:28 No detection of Saturn at the obs. table, ststb8a.start
 az,el = -98 39
 daz,del = +0.6 +2.5
 dx,dy,dz,dtx,dty,dtz = all 0.0s
-- There was an error in "yt". It should be 0.0 at ststb8a.start, but actually +1.0 as shown below.
                     x       y       z       xt      yt      zt
 Sub:  POS: REAL:   5.451  -1.390  -3.654  -0.000   1.000   0.001
            PROG:   5.584  -1.387  -3.699   0.000   0.000   0.000
            ERR:   -0.133  -0.003   0.045  -0.000   1.000   0.001
       CTL: Jack: PROG  Chop: PROG
-- No error in the subref monitor
      1234           123456789abc           AZ EL
 PLS: oooo  SRV_AMP: oooooooooooo  PWR_AMP: o  o  CLK: o
 LIMIT: 0(0) 1(0) 2(0) 3(0) 4(0) 5(0) 6(0) 7(0) 8(0) 9(0)
-- I tried to set the sub-reflector MAN mode on the antenna GUI, but it persisted the PROG mode. The main-reflector could be set to MAN/STBY mode.
-- Here are some logs from pcvs
 02:01 ststb8g
 2016-08-26 02:03:01.700 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     Invalid value
 2016-08-26 02:03:01.700 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     ret=0
 2016-08-26 02:03:01.700 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     q_a 5.290349 -1.387259 -3.598960
 2016-08-26 02:03:01.700 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     q_a 0.000000 -0.017454 -0.000001
 2016-08-26 02:03:01.700 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     l_r 362.967500 365.647500 366.544500
 2016-08-26 02:03:01.700 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     l_r 367.186500 365.647500 362.317750
 2016-08-26 02:03:01.700 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     q_b 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
 2016-08-26 02:03:01.700 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     q_b 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
 2016-08-26 02:03:01.700 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     sh: /cosmos3/aste/sbin/sstop.sh: No such file or directory
 02:08 ststb8h
 02:15 ststb8i
 2016-08-26 02:17:01.400 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     Invalid value
 2016-08-26 02:17:01.400 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     ret=0
 2016-08-26 02:17:01.400 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     q_a 5.460234 -1.386922 -3.653487
 2016-08-26 02:17:01.400 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     q_a 0.000000 0.017454 -0.000001
 2016-08-26 02:17:01.400 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     l_r 366.398250 367.389250 361.519500
 2016-08-26 02:17:01.400 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     l_r 362.170250 367.389250 365.754750
 2016-08-26 02:17:01.400 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     q_b 5.460169 -1.386604 -3.653533
 2016-08-26 02:17:01.400 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     q_b 0.000001 0.017453 -0.000002
 2016-08-26 02:17:01.400 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     sh: /cosmos3/aste/sbin/sstop.sh: No such file or directory
 02:22 ststb8a.start
 2016-08-26 02:24:00.000 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     Invalid value
 2016-08-26 02:24:00.000 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     ret=0
 2016-08-26 02:24:00.000 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     q_a 5.415427 -1.388001 -3.654918
 2016-08-26 02:24:00.000 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     q_a 0.000000 0.017464 0.000012
 2016-08-26 02:24:00.000 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     l_r 366.405750 367.379000 361.524000
 2016-08-26 02:24:00.000 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     l_r 362.176250 367.378000 365.762750
 2016-08-26 02:24:00.000 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     q_b 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
 2016-08-26 02:24:00.000 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     q_b 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
 2016-08-26 02:24:00.001 aste-1c astpcvs DEB     sh: /cosmos3/aste/sbin/sstop.sh: No such file or directory
- UT 03:04 "asteobs@aste-mt1: cos3_cntl restart" did not resolve
- UT 03:05 "root@aste-1c: /cosmos3/aste/rc3.d/S98astpcvs restart" resolved this issue

*** Quick plots of today's measurements [#g6fba26f]
- tx
- ty


* FMLO commissioning [#qd08f387]

- Observations from ASTE site
-- Operators: ytamura, taniguchi
-- Contact: yoichi.tamura (skype)

- Plan
-- AI-5: Delay measurement
--- measure an offset between SG TRIG IN (FG 10 Hz trigger) and TRIG OUT.
--- adjust the offset to 0 usec.
--- take a long integration (~30 min)
- AI-5C: FMP optimization
-- Very quick and dirty sweeping of parameter space using IRAS16293 for device check etc.

** Delay measurement (AI-5B) [#c9529e83]

- 16:04 UTC - mWBp33.start with TRIG_DELAY = +130 us
-- aste16/fmlo16/mWBp33.start
-- OK, time offset between FG trigger (= SG TRIG IN) and SG TRIG OUT is now almost <10 usec!!
-- Saved oscilloscope captured data.

- 16:13 UTC - mWBp33.start with TRIG_DELAY = +130 us
-- aste16/fmlo16/mWBp33.start
-- We retry with oscilloscope at high time resolution.
-- Tsys = 198 K (A1) at EL = 46.
-- Time offset between SG TRIG IN and TRIG OUT is -2 to -3 usec. => missed to take data... will try again.

- 16:19 UTC - mWBp33.start with TRIG_DELAY = +130 us
-- aste16/fmlo16/mWBp33.start
-- We retry with oscilloscope at high time resolution.
-- Tsys = 180 K (A1) at EL = 45
-- Time offset between SG TRIG IN and TRIG OUT is -2 to -3 usec. => OK, we took data this time. will try a delay of +127 us.

- 16:30 UTC - mWBp33.start with TRIG_DELAY = &color(red,){+125 us};
-- aste16/fmlo16/mWBp33.start
-- We try fine tuning of the time delay.
-- &color(red,){Trouble with ANTENNA_G}; ==> Restart cosmos ==> OK, recovered.

- 16:38 UTC - mWBp33.start with TRIG_DELAY = &color(red,){+125 us};
-- aste16/fmlo16/mWBp33.start
-- We try fine tuning of the time delay.
-- Tsys = 190 K (A1) at EL = 41
-- Jiter looks large (~10 us?) ==> will try again

-16:43 UTC -  mWBp33.start with TRIG_DELAY = &color(red,){+125 us};
-- aste16/fmlo16/mWBp33.start
-- Hmm, slightly different what we expected...

-16:46 UTC -  mWBp33.start with TRIG_DELAY = &color(red,){+128 us};
-- aste16/fmlo16/mWBp33.start
-- Jitter looks large (~20 us p.-p.)...

-16:46 UTC -  mWBp33.start with TRIG_DELAY = &color(red,){+128 us};
-- aste16/fmlo16/mWBp33.start
-- Jitter looks large (~20 us p.-p.)...

-16:58 UTC -  mWBp&color(red,){11};.start with TRIG_DELAY = &color(red,){+130 us};
-- aste16/fmlo16/mWBp11.start
-- We confirmed offset jitter with other table ==> OK, we fix +130 us.

*** Long integration for measurement of MAC dump timing offset [#na27dc5f]

- Conditions

-17:07 UTC - long integration (30 min)
-- aste16/fmlo16/mWBp33l.start  (l = エル = LONG) ==> failed...
-- ERR invalid operand, INTEG_TIE=1800

-17:11 UTC - long integration (30 min)
-- Found COSMOS doesn't allow 1800 sec 
-- Found COSMOS doesn't allow 1001 s but 1000 s.

-17:24 UTC - long integration (1000s = 16m40s)
-- batch: /aste16/fmlo16/mWBlong.list (mWBp33l.start x 10 tables)
-- az,el = -91, 30
-- Tsys = 217 K (A1)
-- Condition:
                      ASTE Environment Monitor 2016/08/26 17:26:54
 ===================================ASTE Site===================================
   Temp. :   6.52 C   Humid. :  4.99 % (  0.48 hPa )   Solar :  0.92 kW/m2
   Wind  :   8.74 m/s  252 deg   AirPressure : 572.05 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
   Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0552
 ================================ Receiver Cabin ===============================
   Main Cabin:  16.4 C  Upper Cabin:  12.5 C  AzTEC AE: 168.6 C  Dewar: 168.6 C
   SCD :   ----      ----      ----      ----
 ================================Observation Room===============================
   Temp. :  19.41 degC   Humid. :  5.48 %
   Digital BE:   24.70 degC   29.80 degC   28.00 degC   25.50 degC 
   Meeting Rm.:  Temp:  room:  -----       entrance:  -----       WC:  -----
 -------------------------------Air Conditioners--------------------------------
   Internal Out     19.89 C   14.50 C    0.90 C   20.80 C   -5.09 C   21.00 C
   Internal Ret.    21.10 C   19.50 C   19.89 C   19.50 C   20.10 C   20.30 C
   External        168.60 C    9.00 C   23.80 C  168.60 C
 ================================Antenna Shelter================================
   Air-cond. :    13.50 degC   13.10 degC   10.30 degC
   Room Temp.:    15.10 degC

** FMP optimization (AI-5C) [#x47c6977]

- ca. 18:10 UTC - pointing (mRFpnt)
-- ==> Oops, I forgot QL doesn't work. Quitting.

- ca. 19:00 UTC - psw test on IRAS 16293 for off point search
-- aste16/fmlo16/mIRpsw.start
-- OK, dRA, dDec = -30', 0' should work!

- 19:16 UTC - FMP optimization (batch)
--aste16/fmlo16/mIRopt.list (including - psw, bw1, psw, bw2, psw, bw3, psw)
--az,el = +103, 43
--Tsys = 248 K (A1) during the first mIRpsw.start.
                     ASTE Environment Monitor 2016/08/26 19:17:50
 ===================================ASTE Site===================================
  Temp. :   5.24 C   Humid. :  7.80 % (  0.69 hPa )   Solar :  0.65 kW/m2
  Wind  :  10.01 m/s  245 deg   AirPressure : 571.52 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0443
 ================================ Receiver Cabin ===============================
  Main Cabin:  17.0 C  Upper Cabin:  13.3 C  AzTEC AE: 168.6 C  Dewar: 168.6 C
  SCD :   ----      ----      ----      ----
 ================================Observation Room===============================
  Temp. :  19.38 degC   Humid. :  5.98 %
  Digital BE:   25.00 degC   30.10 degC   28.40 degC   25.80 degC 
  Meeting Rm.:  Temp:  room:  -----       entrance:  -----       WC:  -----
 -------------------------------Air Conditioners--------------------------------
  Internal Out     20.00 C   14.60 C    1.60 C   21.40 C    5.00 C   21.30 C
  Internal Ret.    21.40 C   19.39 C   20.20 C   19.80 C   19.30 C   20.60 C
  External        168.60 C    7.40 C   20.60 C  168.60 C
 ================================Antenna Shelter================================
  Air-cond. :    15.10 degC   15.30 degC    6.30 degC
  Room Temp.:    16.50 degC

-- stop.
--- mIRbw1.start doesn't run. ==> I used a wrong scan table (for PSW), but this should be one for FMLO.  Fixed.

- 19:36 UTC - FMP optimization (batch)
--aste16/fmlo16/mIRopt.list (including - psw, bw1, psw, bw2, psw, bw3, psw)
--az,el = +102, 48
--Tsys = 253 K (A1), 353 K (A3) during the first mIRpsw.start.
                     ASTE Environment Monitor 2016/08/26 19:37:45
 ===================================ASTE Site===================================
  Temp. :   5.26 C   Humid. :  7.95 % (  0.71 hPa )   Solar :  0.57 kW/m2
  Wind  :  10.83 m/s  272 deg   AirPressure : 571.55 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0781
 ================================ Receiver Cabin ===============================
  Main Cabin:  17.0 C  Upper Cabin:  13.5 C  AzTEC AE: 168.6 C  Dewar: 168.6 C
  SCD :   ----      ----      ----      ----
 ================================Observation Room===============================
  Temp. :  20.14 degC   Humid. :  5.74 %
  Digital BE:   25.20 degC   30.20 degC   28.70 degC   26.20 degC 
  Meeting Rm.:  Temp:  room:  -----       entrance:  -----       WC:  -----
 -------------------------------Air Conditioners--------------------------------
  Internal Out     20.10 C   11.20 C   17.60 C   21.20 C   12.50 C   21.20 C
  Internal Ret.    21.60 C   19.39 C   19.89 C   16.89 C   18.30 C   20.60 C
  External        168.60 C    8.00 C   14.70 C  168.60 C
 ================================Antenna Shelter================================
  Air-cond. :    15.00 degC   15.30 degC    5.60 degC
  Room Temp.:    16.39 degC

- 20:05 UTC - Finished observations
-- Bring a floppy disk of oscillo back from the telescope cabin.

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