[[Observing Log]] ---- #contents ---- * CSV2016: Subref position offsets of DASH345 (2016-08-19) [#j6663495] * CSV2016: Subref position offsets of DASH345/BAND8 (2016-08-19) [#j6663495] ** Tasks [#l8baac99] - 220GHz opacity <= 0.07 -> Subref position offsets in BAND8 - 220GHz opacity > 0.07 -> Subref position offsets in DASH345 #br *** Preparations [#s78dbdb3] + Basic checks -- Record which kisa files are used for DASH345 and BAND8 + aste16@aste-ms1: ssh astecntl@aste-1c "ls -l /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/{DASH3,BAND8}" lrwxrwxrwx 1 astecntl astctl 12 Jun 3 2015 /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/BAND8 -> BAND8.150603 lrwxrwxrwx 1 astecntl astctl 12 Jun 1 2015 /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/DASH3 -> DASH3.150601 -- Check all subref parameters (dx,dy,dz,dtx,dty,dtz) are zero -- Check Aspirin is working in the "WIND ON" mode + Tuning at EL=60.0 deg -- [[Tuning of DASH345/BAND8 for continuum observations>CSV/2016#i6322df7]] -- &color(red){Caution! LSB is now used in BAND8 due to [[[ASTE-120]>http://alma-comp.mtk.nao.ac.jp:8080/jira/browse/ASTE-120]]}; -- Don't forget to record weather conditions + Pointing toward Saturn DASH345: stx5d3.start BAND8: stx5b8.start + Z-axis adjustment using Saturn DASH345: stsbd3z.start BAND8: stsbb8z.start -- [[Measurement and analysis for single-beam receivers>CSV/SubrefZPositionMeasurementAnalysisSBRx]] -- Add a resultant offset ''ddz'' to dz in the subref offset GUI (if |ddz| > 0.1 mm) *** Subref offset positions in DASH345/BAND8 [#de491314] + Repeat cross scans toward Saturn with various (dx,dy) -- Pointing toward Saturn (If no ddz is put in the previous step, skip this pointing) BAND8: stx5b8.start DASH345: stx5d3.start -- Repeat cross scans toward Saturn using the batch mode BAND8: stsbb8.list DASH345: stsbd3.list ---Don't forget to turn on auto-pointing in the QLOOKC GUI + Data reduction -- Still under preparation ---- ** Information [#s50ad166] - Observers: Izumi - Site: Mitaka - Weather conditions (2016-08-18T23:48) Temperature: -2.3 C Humidity: 0.42 hPa Wind: 9.42 m/s (227 deg) 220GHz opacity: 0.0427 ** Measurement Log [#r4d46e9d] ***Preparation [#o8187c63] - Aspirin time was not updated. --Restart COSMOS at ASTE site ssh -t aste-1c "sudo /cosmos3/naoj/sbin/cos3_cntl restart all" -- EMERGENCY STOP (Forced to stop) Cannot connect with COSMOS Manager --Restart connection from remote site to ASTE site ssh -t aste-mt1 "sudo /cosmos3/naoj/sbin/cos3_cntl restart" ---Repeated "Restart COSMOS at ASTE site" and "Restart connection from remote site to ASTE site" twice --Turn on Aspirin-blue (wind correction) ssh aste-1c "/cosmos3/naoj/bin/windsw on" + Basic checks -- Record which kisa files are used for DASH345 and BAND8 [aste16@aste-ms1 ~]$ ssh astecntl@aste-1c "ls -l /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/{DASH3,BAND8}" lrwxrwxrwx 1 astecntl astctl 12 Jun 3 2015 /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/BAND8 -> BAND8.150603 lrwxrwxrwx 1 astecntl astctl 12 Jun 1 2015 /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/DASH3 -> DASH3.150601 --Check all subref parameters (dx,dy,dz,dtx,dty,dtz) are zero --Check Aspirin is working in the "WIND ON" mode + Tuning at EL=60.0 deg ===================================ASTE Site=================================== Temp. : -2.67 C Humid. : 8.27 % ( 0.42 hPa ) Solar : 0.00 kW/m2 Wind : 8.76 m/s 220 deg AirPressure : 571.57 hPa ( Rain: 0.01 ) Opacity @220 GHz : 0.0110 ================================ Receiver Cabin =============================== Main Cabin: --- C Upper Cabin: --- C AzTEC AE: --- C Dewar: --- C SCD : ---- ---- ---- ---- ================================Observation Room=============================== Temp. : 23.69 degC Humid. : 2.68 % Digital BE: 25.90 degC 27.80 degC 30.50 degC 29.60 degC Meeting Rm.: Temp: room: ----- entrance: ----- WC: ----- -------------------------------Air Conditioners-------------------------------- Internal Out 22.70 C 22.40 C 16.50 C 22.60 C 24.50 C 23.40 C Internal Ret. 24.40 C 24.10 C 21.70 C 0.80 C 24.20 C 23.10 C External 168.60 C -3.50 C 5.80 C 168.60 C ================================Antenna Shelter================================ Air-cond. : 5.80 degC 5.80 degC -4.00 degC Room Temp.: 6.80 degC + [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ swbox_ctl_be CONT [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ swbox_ctl_be status: swbox_ctl_be CONT + [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ asterx_sw BAND8 --- ### After setting synthe ### FREQ = 14.375000000 [GHz] AMPL = 13.00 [dBm] RF = ON + [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ synthe_ctl B FREQ 11.444 FREQ = 14.375000000 [GHz] AMPL = 13.00 [dBm] RF = ON ### After setting synthe ### FREQ = 11.444000000 [GHz] AMPL = 13.00 [dBm] RF = ON + [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ asterx_set BAND8 ### Query of LO Freq ### LO Freq = 411.984000000 --- > GET_PA 0 2.965851,247.741699,-0.290985 > GET_PA 1 4.022064,260.696411,-0.345459 + [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ swbox_ctl_pol 0 1 [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ swbox_ctl_pol status: swbox_ctl_pol 0 1 400:P0-USB 402:P1-USB + [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ cont_if 2 23 Cont IF #2 Att. = 23 [dB] changed Cont IF #2 att. = 23 [dB] recieved value = -8.82861000E-04 recieved value = -8.82861000E-04 Cont IF #2 Lev. = -0.000883 [V] + [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ cont_if 3 21 Cont IF #3 Att. = 0 [dB] changed Cont IF #3 att. = 0 [dB] recieved value = -6.13000000E-06 recieved value = -6.13000000E-06 Cont IF #3 Lev. = -0.000006 [V] +Pointing toward Saturn --Filename: stx5b8.start Temp. : -3.65 C Humid. : 10.78 % ( 0.50 hPa ) Solar : 0.00 kW/m2 Wind : 6.74 m/s 220 deg AirPressure : 571.70 hPa ( Rain: 0.01 ) Opacity @220 GHz : 0.0548 -- dAz, dEl = -0.9, 0.0 --dEl is different between CH01 and CH02 #ref(./Screenshot-1.png,50%) + Z-axis adjustment using Saturn --Filename: stsbb8z.start #ref(./subrefz_160819_1.png,50%) ***Subref offset positions in DASH345/BAND8 with various (dx,dy) [#de491314] Temp. : -4.81 C Humid. : 12.96 % ( 0.55 hPa ) Solar : -0.01 kW/m2 Wind : 3.16 m/s 300 deg AirPressure : 571.71 hPa ( Rain: 0.01 ) Opacity @220 GHz : 0.0437 - Repeat cross scans toward Saturn using the batch mode --Filename: stsbb8.list --UTC 00:48 Stop the observation (forget to turn on auto-pointing in the QLOOKC GUI)~ --UTC ~03:40 (El ~ 30 deg)~ Can not detect Saturn with CH02 #ref(./Screenshot-2.png,50%)~ #ref(./Screenshot-3.png,50%)~