[[Observing Log]]



*Optical Pointing [#se6b14cf]
*Pointing [#se6b14cf]

- Observer: T. Sakai, Y. Watanabe

- Site: Mitaka
- Contact: tsakai_ioa_aste(skype), 

-Group: aste11
-Project: opt11

**Obs. Log [#g54f72cd]

-UT 0:45

  Temp. :  -1.29 C   Humid. : 25.99 % (  1.44 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   3.51 m/s  194 deg   AirPressure : 572.06 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---

 Current time = 2011/11/05 00:50:34
 Aspirin time = 2011/11/05 00:50:31
 Weather time = 2011/11/05 00:50:24
 Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   8.32,   4.44 )
 Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
 Refraction Corr. status : OK

-UT 1:10
--(Az, El)=(51, 38)

  Temp. :  -1.89 C   Humid. : 30.61 % (  1.63 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   5.49 m/s  198 deg   AirPressure : 572.06 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---

 Current time = 2011/11/05 01:10:54
 Aspirin time = 2011/11/05 01:10:51
 Weather time = 2011/11/05 00:53:03
 Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (  -7.83,   2.12 )
 Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
 Refraction Corr. status : **** CORRECTION INACTIVE ****

-UT 2:16
--(Az, El)=(49, 34)

  Temp. :  -2.04 C   Humid. : 25.89 % (  1.36 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   3.89 m/s  184 deg   AirPressure : 572.44 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---

 Current time = 2011/11/05 02:17:14
 Aspirin time = 2011/11/05 02:17:12
 Weather time = 2011/11/05 00:53:03
 Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (  -8.09,  -4.89 )
 Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
 Refraction Corr. status : **** CORRECTION INACTIVE ****

-UT 2:35
--(Az, El)=(51, 38)

  Temp. :  -2.75 C   Humid. : 30.86 % (  1.54 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   2.88 m/s  222 deg   AirPressure : 572.44 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---

 Current time = 2011/11/05 02:37:34
 Aspirin time = 2011/11/05 02:37:33
 Weather time = 2011/11/05 02:37:32
 Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (  -7.63,  -8.56 )
 Aspirin status : OK ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
 Refraction Corr. status : OK

-UT 4:29
--(Az, El)=(53, -18)

  Temp. :  -2.63 C   Humid. : 19.40 % (  0.98 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   1.30 m/s  275 deg   AirPressure : 572.06 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---

 Current time = 2011/11/05 04:29:53
 Aspirin time = 2011/11/05 04:29:50
 Weather time = 2011/11/05 04:29:42
 Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   1.86,  -9.48 )
 Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
 Refraction Corr. status : OK

--UT 3:26
--(Az, El)=(-30, 50)

  Temp. :  -3.73 C   Humid. : 17.75 % (  0.82 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   3.06 m/s  229 deg   AirPressure : 571.72 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---

 Current time = 2011/11/05 05:03:01
 Aspirin time = 2011/11/05 05:02:59
 Weather time = 2011/11/05 05:02:55
 Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   3.96,  -9.18 )
 Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
 Refraction Corr. status : OK


 aste-1c{asteobs}57: telnet antgsub1
 Connected to antgsub1.
 Escape character is '^]'.
 -> poscur
 jnt:(363.897 366.322 360.582 362.159 363.158 357.464 )
 pos:(9.6325 -6.1801 -0.5646 0.7784 -0.1669 -0.4018 )
 value = 2 = 0x2
 -> enccur
 jack:(1455586 1465288 1442326 1448634 1452633 1429858 )
 chop:(1379 508 632 -9283 1514 0 )
 value = 2 = 0x2
 -> receive task start and connected to
 can't communicate with servo
 can't communicate with servo
 Escape character is '^]'.

 -> poscur
 jnt:(363.897 1680.306 1674.565 362.159 363.158 357.464 )
 pos:(0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 )
 value = 2 = 0x2
 -> enccur
 jack:(1455586 6721223 6698261 1448634 1452633 1429858 )
 chop:(1379 5256443 632 -9283 5257449 0 )
 value = 2 = 0x2

-lantap0 4 off/on x 3

-UT 6:38
--(Az, El)=(-55, 35)

  Temp. :  -3.16 C   Humid. : 15.71 % (  0.76 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   1.42 m/s  264 deg   AirPressure : 571.09 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---

 Current time = 2011/11/05 06:40:02
 Aspirin time = 2011/11/05 06:39:59
 Weather time = 2011/11/05 06:39:58
 Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   4.22,  -7.06 )
 Aspirin status : OK ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:OFF)
 Refraction Corr. status : OK

--(Az, El)=(3,-3)

-UT 6;45
--(Az, El)=(-56, 33)

  Temp. :  -2.74 C   Humid. : 15.11 % (  0.75 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   0.78 m/s  242 deg   AirPressure : 571.13 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---

 Current time = 2011/11/05 06:46:45
 Aspirin time = 2011/11/05 06:46:43
 Weather time = 2011/11/05 06:46:43
 Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   2.02,  -9.27 )
 Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
 Refraction Corr. status : OK

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