//======================================================== * 2011-April commissioning plan (as of subref) [#va0a08da] - This plan is for the run in April 2011. - [[the commissioning plan>http://www2.nao.ac.jp/~aste-www/aste_wiki/pukiwiki/index.php?plugin=attach&refer=Observation%20and%20Analysis%2FSubRef%2FDocument&openfile=tamura-cats345CommPlan-110325.pdf]] is available. //======================================================== ** Reference sources [#o1ab88c9] -Target: Saturn -expected antenna temperature of the target(s) -- main-beam filling factor: bff = 1-exp[ - ln(2)*[ D(obj)/θ(HPBW) ]^2 ], --- D(obj): apparent diameter of a planet, θ(HPBW): beam FWHM (D and θ should be measured in the same units.) --- assuming the main beam is approximated with a Gaussian function. -- 2011/04/10 (ASTE 22" beam, ηmb = 0.6, ephemeris from JPL Horizons) --- Satrun: apparent diameter = 18.36", Ta* = 32.2 K (=bff*140K, bff=0.383) // $ python >>> from math import * >>> bff = 1-exp( -log(2) * (18.36/22.)**2 ) >>> Tb = 140. >>> eta = .6 >>> Tas = eta*bff*Tb >>> Tas 32.165120380 //-- 2010/07/23 (ASTE 22"ビーム, ηmb = 0.6, 惑星の視直径は理科年表より) //--- Jupiter: 視直径=44.6", Ta* = 96 K (=bff*170K, where bff=0.94) //-- 2010/04/24 (ASTE 22"ビーム, ηmb = 0.6, 惑星の視直径は理科年表より) //--- Jupiter: 視直径=34.6", Ta* = 84 K (=bff*170K, where bff=0.82) //--- Satrun: 視直径=19.2", Ta* = 34 K (=bff*140K, bff=0.41) //--- Mars: 視直径=7.6", Ta* = 10 K (=bff*210K, bff=0.079) //-- 2009 //--- Jupiter: 視直径=48.4", Tb = 145K @22"ビーム (=bff*150K, where bff=0.97) //--- Satrun: 視直径=16.4", Tb = 45K @22"ビーム(=bff*140K, bff=0.32) //--- Mars: 視直径=5.3", Tb = 8K @ 22"ビーム (=bff*210K, bff=0.040) http://www2.nao.ac.jp/~aste-www/obslog_wiki/pukiwiki/index.php?plugin=attach&refer=Observation%20and%20Analysis%2FSubRef&openfile=azelp_110415UTC.png //#ref(azelp_110415UTC.png); -Figure: AZ-EL plot. The horizontal axis represent time (UTC). Note JST=UTC+9. If you want to convert Chilean time (AST) to JST, add 13h to AST (i.e. JST=AST+13). ** Schedule and staffing plan [#y5255beb] //下記に示した順番で測定を進める。 //+夜間(日没後-日出前)、Saturnを用いた副鏡位置X,Y,Zの測定から、通常の科学観測に使用する器差を決定する。このときTilt=0で固定。 //+%%日出後-昼間にかけて外気温変化の大きい時間においても、最適な副鏡位置を測定する。%% //+%%TiltのEL依存性に対する器差(計算値)を実装し、副鏡位置X,Y,Zの測定を繰り返す。ただし、スケジュールに2日程度の余裕が残った場合にのみ実行する。%% | # of days | date | staff | tasks | |Day 0 | 4/07(thu) | %%YT, YS, YO%% | %% Focus point search, Kisa update %% | |Day 1 | 4/08(fri) | %%YT, YS, YO%% | %% Focus point search, Kisa update %% | |Day 2 | 4/09(sat) | %%YT, YO%% | %% Focusing * %% | |Day 3 | 4/10(sun) | %%YT, YO%% | %% Focusing * %% | |Day 4 | 4/11(mon) | %%YW, YT%% | %% Focus point search, Kisa update %% | |Day 5 | 4/12(tue) | %%YW, JU%% | %% Focus point search, Kisa update %% | |Day 6 | 4/13(wed) | YW, YO, YT | Focus point search, Kisa update | |Day 7 | 4/14(thu) | YW, YO | Focusing * | |Day 8 | 4/15(fri) | YW, YO | Focusing * | |Day 9 | 4/16(sat) | YS (YW) | Focusing, Kisa update * | |Day10 | 4/17(sun) | JU (YW) | Focusing confirmation of Kisa *| |Day11 | 4/18(mon) | YS, YT | &color(grey,){Focusing (backup)}; * | |Day12 | 4/19(tue) | YS, YT | &color(grey,){Focusing (backup)}; * | |Day13 | 4/20(wed) | JU, CH, AT, MM, KM, HB, JF, KF | Inst. pointing w/ iOPT | |Day14 | 4/21(thu) | YS, CH, AT, MM, KM, HB, JF, KF | Inst. pointing w/ iOPT | |Day15 | 4/22(fri) | YS, CH, HB, JF | Inst. pointing w/ iOPT, Kisa update | |Day16 | 4/23(sat) | YS, CH, HB | %%Inst. pointing w/ iOPT, confirmation of the Kisa%% Reduction training | |Day17 | 4/24(sun) | %% JU, CH, HB%% | %%&color(grey,){Inst. pointing w/ iOPT (backup)};%% | |Day18 | 4/25(mon) | %%TT, YO, AT, MM%% | %%&color(grey,){Inst. pointing w/ iOPT (backup)};%% | |Day19 | 4/26(tue) | TT, JU, AT, MM | %%Inst. pointing w/ CO sources%% &color(orange,){Focusing}; | |Day20 | 4/27(wed) | TT, AT, MM,YS | %%&color(grey,){Inst. pointing w/ CO sources (backup)};%% &color(orange,){Pointing, Kisa update}; | |Day21 | 4/28(thu) | TT,MM,YS, (CH) | %%&color(grey,){backup};%% &color(orange,){Pointing w/ iOPT}; | - note (*): when it is windless (v_wind < 5 m/s), optical pointing may be performed. - note: AT = Ayako Tanaka, CH = Chihori Hara, HB = Hiroyuki Baji, JF = Jun-ichi Furusawa, JU = Junko Ueda, KF = Kosuke Fujii, KM = Kazuyuki Muraoka, MM = Mitsuhiro Matsuo, TT = Takashi Tsukagoshi, YS = Yoshito Shimajiri, YT = Yoichi Tamura, YW = Yoshimasa Watanabe