Commissioning and Science Verification
- Revision history
- 2017-03-03 - Kamazaki,T. - created.
- Table of contents
General information†
Account and project†
- Group: asteXX=aste17
- Project:
- optpon : global pointing with OPT
- opttrk : continuous tracking with OPT
- sbrfXX=sbrf17: subref position offsets
- calibXX=calib17: calibrator survey
- radpon : radio pointing offset from OPT
- Computers
Site | Control computer | Analysis server | Analylsis computers |
ASTE | aste-1c | aste-1s | aste-1s |
SPdA | aste-at1 | aste-as1 | aste-as1 |
Mitaka | aste-mt1 | aste-ms1 | aste-ms1 |
Cautions on operations†
- aste-c1c (= aste-cabin1c)が応答しない
Reference sources†
- Angular diameters are retrieved from JPL's HORIZONS system
- 2017-04-15
#ref(): File not found: "azelp20170415_cont.png" at page "CSV/2017"
- 2017-05-01
#ref(): File not found: "azelp20170501_cont.png" at page "CSV/2017"
- 2017-05-15
#ref(): File not found: "azelp20170515_cont.png" at page "CSV/2017"
- 2017-06-01
#ref(): File not found: "azelp20170601_cont.png" at page "CSV/2017"
12CO(J=3-2) sources†
Basic procedures†
Start and stop†
Tuning of DASH345/BAND8 for continuum observations†
- Set antenna EL angle to 60 degrees
- Login to aste-1c with asteobs
> ssh asteobs@aste-1c
- Select CONT BE
asteobs@aste-1c: swbox_ctl_be CONT <--- CONT BE is selected
asteobs@aste-1c: swbox_ctl_be
status: swbox_ctl_be CONT
- Select either of DASH345 and BAND8 and then, set the frequency of the synthesizer B
Tuning of DASH345/BAND8 for line observations†