- History
- View the source.
- Tasks at Site/2011-04-21 has been deleted.
- 1 (2011-04-22 (Fri) 01:39:41)
Tasks at Site
- Arrived 11:00 and left 19:00 (ASTE Site).
- Check the genset #7002.
- Switch the generator #7002->#7001->Down restart #7002
- #7001 10589hrs. #7002 9093hrs.
- South:closed 4800L, North:open 5500L
- 衛星通信用ケーブルテスト。OK
- 発電機 油圧計取り付け。
- 発電機メンテ。#7002ファンベルト交換。
- 発電機がダウンしたため、サイト再立ち上げ。
&ref(): File not found: "DSCN4466.JPG" at page "Tasks at Site/2011-04-21";
&ref(): File not found: "DSCN4465.JPG" at page "Tasks at Site/2011-04-21";
&ref(): File not found: "DSCN4467.JPG" at page "Tasks at Site/2011-04-21";