#ref(): File not found: "iOPTstars4StandardSources.TXT" at page "Old pages/StandardSources"
#f(GHz) df(GHz) Tb(K) dTb(K) 227 70 173.3 1.1 279 75 169.9 5.1 310 130 175.0 10.0 337 150 174.3 5.1 392 75 162.5 2.0 451 270 167.1 2.1 580 420 149.9 2.6 666 170 135.0 5.0 674 90 148.5 4.9 724 635 155.3 1.3 808 200 143.7 1.9 849 250 165.5 2.5 865 110 145.1 2.3 870 57 139.5 3.8 col. 1: frequency in GHz col. 2: bandwidth in GHz col. 3: brightness temperature in K col. 4: the error of brightness temperature in K
&ref(): File not found: "Mangum93_tab1.png" at page "Old pages/StandardSources";