[2023-09-22] Science observations with heterodyne receivers ended.
[2023-07] Science observations started.
[2023-06-22~07-11] CSV 2023.
[2022-12] The subreflector problem was resolved by ASTE and MELCO work.
[2021-08-12] The open-use program 2021 was cancelled.
The subreflector still cannot be moved due to its hardware alarms.
Bad weather conditions and manlift malfunction prevented us from close inspection of the subreflector.
No observation was available in 2020 due to COVID-19.
Status Report --- ASTE status summary †
Science Observation†
Observation schedule of the open-use program 2021 (updated on 2021-06-11)†
[2021-08-12] The open-use program 2021 was cancelled.
Preparations of observations†
Observation account and access to ASTE network
Observation account is required for preparing observation tables, running observations, and reduce quick look data. You will receive the account together with access information to ASTE network.
You need to prepare observation tables, which instruct ASTE on observation targets and so on, by yourself.
Please make sure that your observation tables are created using the latest aobs by yourself. Past or other account's tables can cause observation failures due to inconsistencies with the current ASTE system.
How to make "Observation Table"
How to make "Observation Table" (obsolete)
A Guide to OTF Observations with ASTE
Sample device tables
Observation operation 🔒 †
If you face difficulties in ASTE operation during your observations, please look at this page.
Data delivery†
Data reduction†
CASA is used to reduce position switching and on-the-fly observations with XFFTS .
NEWSTAR is available for position switching observation data with MAC and WHSF .
Here are links to relevant pages provided by Nobeyama Radio Observatory (NRO).
NOSTAR , an IDL based package developed at Nobeyama Radio Observatory, is prepared for on-the-fly observation data with MAC and WHSF .
Publications using ASTE data†
Demo Science Data†
Last-modified: 2023-10-26 (Thu) 09:15:47