Job Opening

Patricio Sanhueza

  I am a Project Assistant Professor at NAOJ ALMA Project (EA-ARC; East Asian ALMA Regional Center) and SOKENDAI (Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Department of Astronomical Science). I obtained my Ph.D. in the Astronomy Department at Boston University. I am interested in how high-mass stars are formed. My research covers several topics including the initial stages of high-mass star formation found in Infrared Dark Clouds (IRDCs), the formation of high-mass binaries, the importance of magnetic fields in the high-mass star formation process, and disks around high-mass protostellar objects. To carry out my research, I have used observations from a large variety of radio observatories: from single-dish telescopes (APEX, ASTE, Mopra, IRAM, GBT, and Nobeyama) to interferometers (SMA, CARMA, JVLA, ATCA, and ALMA).

 As part of the Department of Astronomical Science in SOKENDAI, I can supervise graduate students in NAOJ. I have several thesis projects available for students, using ALMA data, focusing on the topics mentioned above related to the formation of high-mass stars.

Contact Information:
ALMA Project, East Asian ALMA Regional Center (EA-ARC)
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
2-21-1 Osawa, ALMA-J, Office 205, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588, Japan

Email: patricio.sanhueza@nao.ac.jp