NAOJ GW Elog Logbook 3.2
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
ShalikaSingh - 08:37, Wednesday 29 May 2024 (3575)
Labview modification for camera integration
1. ON PCI PC: We needed Thorlabs camera in PCI. There was conflict between the version of labview that was used to make VIs for Bigfoot pc and the PCI pc. Sadly, we can't open labview made in new version in a labview of olderversion. Which meant had to make it again for pci pc.
2. In any case, the three subvi are prepared for start, control and closing the camera. Just need to resolve the issue of identifying camera by labview. Currently labview can't detect the software and libraries of camera. We had similar issue in past which happened due to poor installation methods (like plugging in camera before installation, or not restarting the pc)
The error was due to mismatch between 64bit windows and 32 bit labview version. The problem has been resolved and the version of thorlabs labview module was synced to identify libraries for 32 bit
Further Modification that were done
1. Duplicated average filter that was used and made modification to accomodate Azi, Ell, Power, S1, S2, S3 from camera.
2. Duplicated "Move, wait, read, write" VI to make new and introduced pol cam control subvi inside it. Can save signal from camera now here, instead of lockin amp
3. Create a new global variable file for variable from camera
In "MovereadWritewithCam" file, I replaced the items where lockin amp signal were sent to write into measurement file with the ones from camera
In the averaging filter VI made copy of the previous filter 6 times to be able to filter Azimuth, Ellipticity, Power, S1, S2, S3. All of their output were added in cluster for ease of transfeering data from one Vi to another. In the Buffer filter file also I made the buffer for all variables.
The output of averaging filter was connected to the graphical displays on the main VI. The VI is perhaps ready for initial tests and for checking if everything was replaced in a proper manner.
Also, In "Move read write with Cam" Vi there is a place where the lockin data was used to make the matrix for the map which is visible in the main VI. Since the previous configuration only allowed one input here, I only added ellipticity from the camera. Not sure how to introduce azimuth here on one single map.
The format of saving is of the form:
X, Y, Ellipticity, Azimuth, Power, s1, s2, s3