NAOJ GW Elog Logbook 3.2
[Takahashi, Aritomi, Marc]
Since the BS pitch/yaw picomotors didn't move, we opened the BS chamber and checked BS suspension. All magnets are fine, but BS was touching the earthquake stopper so Takahashi-san adjusted the BS suspension.
However, BS pitch/yaw picomotors still don't move. We can hear the sound of picomotor, but the sound is smaller than usual. We also checked BS X/Y/Z picomotors. BS X/Z picomotors moved with usual large sound, but BS Y picomotor did not move without any sound.
To check if the problem is due to the picomotor itself or not, we disconnected the wire for BS yaw picomotor and connected it with a spare in-vac picomotor. The spare in-vac picomotor can be moved so the problem should be the picomotor itself. We have not checked the BS pitch picomotor, but we guess the problem would be the same. Since we have only one spare in-vac picomotor in TAMA, Takahashi-san will bring some spare in-vac picomotors from KAGRA and replace them next next Monday.
I found an old elog420 which also says that BS Y picomotor doesn't work.