KAGRA VIS (Mirror Assemble)
DaisukeTatsumi - 10:19, Wednesday 10 June 2015 (96)
Glueing test of MasterBond EP30-2

I did the following things.


[ Mixuture ]

EP30-2 (A) : EP30-2 (B) : borosilica = 10 : 1 : 0.55 = 5 g : 0.5 g : 0.275 g


[ Cure schedule ]

24 - 48 hours        at 75 Fdeg = 21 Cdeg

2.0 - 2.5 hours      at 200 Fdeg = 93 Cdeg


Test 1: Cure Testing

Provide heating by hot plate. Set the temperature to be 90 Cdeg (~200 Fdeg).

Leave the glue for 15 minutes. After the heating, cool it for 1 minute.

Because it is smooth and hard, it is a well-mixed batch.


Test 2: Glue flag and flag base

After the test 1, I made glueing two sets of (dummy) flag and flag base.

One is heated at 90 Cdeg for 3.5 hours. Another is placed at room temperature (~24 Cdeg).


Images attached to this report
96_20150610041517_mixtureofglue.jpg 96_20150610041608_curetesting.jpg 96_20150610041701_curedglue90cdeg15minp2.jpg