R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao - 10:21, Thursday 02 August 2018 (928)
The measurement of Finesse of green mode cleaner(p-pol and s-pol)

We measured the Finesse of green mode cleaner (while p-pol and s-pol)

For s-pol, the measurement is fine. But for p-pol, the main peak overlaps with sidebands, as you can see in the attached figure 2. I take only the central part of data to do fit to avoid the influence of sideband. The result is listed as following.

For s-pol, the Finesse is 300

For p-pol, the Finesse is 36.7

Images attached to this report
928_20180802031737_spol.png 928_20180802031810_ppol1.png 928_20180802031815_ppol2.png