KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 20:52, Friday 06 July 2018 (873)
Fit of the actuator TF and of the open loop TF

Manuel, Eleonora

We plotted the transfer function of the measured actuator (plant) and fitted it with a Matlab script based on the zpk function.
We used two simple poles at 40kHz, a gain of 0.16 in DC, and a delay of 2.3e-6. see the first plot

We plot the measured open loop TF obtained using a sr560 set with a first order low pass filter at 100Hz, a gain of 200.
We fitted it as the product of the modeled plant TF and a filter TF.
The filter that best fits the data is a first order low pass at 100Hz  with a gain of 240. see the second plot
The UGF is at 3.8kHz with a phase margin of 76deg.

We verify that the loop becomes unstable for a gain of 2000 (as observed experimentally).
Indeed, the UGF becomes 23kHz and the phase margin 7deg. See the third plot.

We will use this model to design a better filter in order to have more gain at low frequencies, compatibly with the possible configurations of the sr560.

Images attached to this report
873_20180706133413_20180706actuatortffit.png 873_20180706133417_20180706oltffit.png 873_20180706133421_20180706oltffitgain2000.png