R&D (FilterCavity)
MarcoVardaro - 21:55, Wednesday 27 June 2018 (851)
Beat note signal between AUX2 and the master laser

Partecipants: Marco, Eleonora ,  Yuhang 


We match the light of the ML into the fiber.

Input power: 3mW

Matched power: 0.71*2mW

Fiber matching: 47%


After that we control the matching of the AUX2 fiber:

Input power: 3.5mW

Matched power: 1.25*2mW

Fiber matching: 71%


Voltage level on photodiode:

ML: 7.8V

AUX1:  5.2V

Total: 2.6V


We found the beat note between the two lasers and we measure the following levels:

  Beat note Amplified signal 90% signal 10 % signal
Carrier -21dBm -6.33dBm -7.67 dBm -17.60 dBm
Sideband 1° order -33.8dBm -17.67dBm -18.33dBm -29.43 dBm
Sideband 2° order -54dBm -38.17dBm -38.67dBm -49.77 dBm
Sideband 3° order not visible -65.33dBm -61.50dBm not visible

The AUX1 laser temperature was set at 30.67 °C, at the spectrum analyzer we see both the beat note and the lateral sidebands due to EOM modulation. 

The minimum level required for the beat note to lock the PLL is -16 dBm, thus the amplitude of the carrier is enough to perform the PLL locking. Concerning the sideband to perform the lock on them their level must be incresed at least of 2-3 dBm

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