R&D (FilterCavity)
EleonoraCapocasa - 16:03, Tuesday 12 June 2018 (816)
Filter cavity lock recovered

Partecipants : Yuhang, Marco, Eleonora

During the auxiliary lasers installation performed in the past week  the green beam got a bit misaligned and  the filter cavity was not locked since then.

Today,  in order to recover the lock, we have at first realigned the green beam, than we have zeroed the error signal for the local control of the input mirror since the stanford was saturating.

Note that the last time we had to zeroes the local control was more than 2 month ago.

The SHG temperature control was set to 3.175 kOhm and we injected about 8.5 mW of green light  into the viewport.

The local control offsets for the optimal alignment were found to be

  pitch yaw
BS 0.3 -0.07
PR -0.76 -0.34
IM -0.95 0.45
EM -1.73 2.82

The transmitted power is about 1.6 V.

The IR beam on the other hand is not aligned anymore, since we are going to take a pick off to be used to the aux lasers PLL.