KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 16:33, Monday 11 June 2018 (805)
power measurements

Manuel, Eleonora

I checked the pump power vs laser current with the power meter PM100D with the head S145C ( Integrating Sphere Photodiode Power Sensor, InGaAs, 800 - 1700 nm, 3 W ).
It doesn't work with the chopper modulation, so I turned off the chopper. The angle of Input Power Controller (IPC) is set around the minimum of transmitted power because the power meter head has 3W of range.
Result: see the first plot.
Every time the current is changed, the laser needs some time (about 20 min) to stabilize. Since I changed the current without waiting for this time, the plot is noisy.

Then I set the laser current to 1.5A and rotated the angle of the IPC to change the power in a more stable way. I measured the power for different angles, without the chopper modulatoin, with two power meters: the PM100D-S145C and the Ophir-Vega (that has a larger range). Then we repeated the measurement with the chopper on and measured it with the Ophir-Vega to check if the ratio with and without chopper is 0.5.

angle P100D   vega                chopper
 270  93.5mW  vega 75mW     37mW
 275  139mW   vega 125mW   52mW
 280  330mW   vega 305mW   150mW
 285  640mW   vega 595mW    290mW
 290  1080mW vega 1020mW  510mW
 295  1470mW vega 1420mW  725mW
 300  1940mW vega 1840mW  915mW
 305  2320mW vega 2190mW  1095mW
 310  2570mW vega 2420mW  1215mW
 315  2680mW vega 2530mW  1270mW
Result: see second plot. From the linear fitting there is an offset of 5.6mW and the Ophir-Vega power meter gives 5% lower value than the PM100D-S145C.
Third plot is the ratio between the Ophir-Vega measurement with chopper and without chopper.
the ratio's mean is 0.49 and the standard deviation is 0.025
Images attached to this report
805_20180611091315_s145cvscurrent.png 805_20180611092644_ophirvegavspm100ds145c.png 805_20180611093328_choppernochopperratio.png