R&D (FilterCavity)
MarcEisenmann - 17:55, Wednesday 09 May 2018 (765)
Alignment of the collimator

Participants : Marc, Yuefan


To have a lower beam divergency (so easier working conditions) we installed a lens f=200mm 6 cm after the output of the auxiliary laser 1.

We also increased the laser power to 44.3 mW (0.9 A for the pump).

By carefully aligning the lens and the collimator vertical and transversal position (X and Y) we obtain a good aligment on this 2 directions.

As the beam is quite diverging after the collimator, this was done checking the beam positions around 20 cm after the collimator.


By unscrewing the 3 screws moving the Z position of the collimator (its distance to the laser),

we reach a power of 44.1 mW at the output of the collimator meaning 99.55% transmission of the collimator.

This seems good enough to go on the others steps (installation of the fiber, add another collimator at the output of this fiber and check the beam size at its output).

We also found another holder for the second collimator meaning we have all the needed components for the next steps.