R&D (FilterCavity)
MarcEisenmann - 23:33, Tuesday 08 May 2018 (762)
Auxiliary Laser 1 installation and pre-alignment of the collimator

Participants : Marc, Yuefan


Auxiliary Laser 1

Today we installed the auxiliary laser 1 on the squeezer bench.

Compared to the lens on the IR path far from the FC, its output port is at 14 holes (vertically toward FC) and 4 holes to the left (toward the main) laser.

This position seems convenient to avoid to twist its power supply while letting some space for the future optics to be installed.

Using 2 mm spacers, the beam height at the output of this laser is 7.5 mm.


Pre alignment of the collimator

Because of the divergency of the laser and the divergency of the not-aligned collimator, the beam at the output of the collimator is quite diverging.

In order to follow the alignment proposed by Thorlabs, we need to measure the output power of the collimator and incremantally find its maximum.

The powermeter had to be placed few cm after the collimator making this task quite painfull...

We could reach an output power of 10.35 mW (compared to the 11.3mW of the laser). However, a sad mis fixation of the collimator post made it moved quite a bit.

Tomorrow we will add a converging lens between the laser and the collimator in order to have a lower divergency of the beam and better work condition.

Images attached to this report