R&D (FilterCavity)
EleonoraCapocasa - 18:20, Thursday 12 April 2018 (741)
Comment to Attempt to lock the cavity with the new servo and measurement of the open loop TF at high frequency (Click here to view original report: 739)

We have done a more precise measurement of the open loop TF (with the old servo) between 70 kHz and 170 kHz. (See attached pdf).

Data can be found here:


(AMP2.CVS and phase2.CVS)

We have also recorded the error signal spectrum with the new servo. The shape changes quite a lot when changing the gain from 4 to 5. (see pic 1 and 2)

We also recorded the error signal in time (gain 0.7) where an oscillation at about 285 kHz is visible. (pic 3)

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