R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao - 11:01, Tuesday 27 March 2018 (723)
Losses from bandwidth

Last week we measured the bandwidth of cavity. By using this data, we also did the extrapolation and got the losses.

We considered all the losses come from the increase of end mirror transmissivity. Then we did like this:

  1. Fix r1 as sqrt(1-T1) and T1=0.136%.
  2. Use the Airy distribution to fit EM transmission and get R2.
  3. Losses is calculated as 1-R2-T2. T2 is set as 3.9ppm.
Velocity Bandwidth Finesse Losses r2
200Hz/s 119Hz 4191 134 0.999931
400Hz/s 114Hz 4355 78 0.999959
80Hz/s 115Hz 4312 92 0.999952
Images attached to this report
723_20180327075343_200.png 723_20180327075349_400.png 723_20180327075355_80.png