R&D (FilterCavity)
AkihiroTomura - 23:18, Thursday 15 March 2018 (701)
Effect of cutting laser beam by hands

To measure cavity decay time, we are currently just cutting beam by bending a IR card and releasing it towards beam path. This method is not ideal and affect a signal. Since we don't have enough channels on oscilloscopes to conduct measurements at the same time, we cannot distinguish genuine cavity decay time and effect of not-ideal cutting method. Thus I tried to fit a signal obtained by cutting beam by hands. Data is attached as a txt file. Note that this data dosen't contains any effect other than cutting beam.

Two different functions are used for fitting; an error function (erf) and an exponential function. An erf is obtained by integrating a gaussian function. This seems plausible given a laser intensity transverse distribution is typically a gaussian. These functions are shown in a figure attached with  resulting fitting parameters. I assumed a constant velocity to cut beam (IR card go across beam crosssection with a constant velocity).

From this calculation, exponential deccay is more fit.

Python codes used is also attached (please change .txt to .py if you try).

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Comments related to this report
EleonoraCapocasa - 17:27, Friday 16 March 2018 (703)

According to the esponential fit, the decay time of the "hand cut" is about 0.6 ms which is roughly a factor 5 smaller than the expected decay time of the cavity. We will take some more measurements in order to check the dispersion of such value. 

Matteo Barsuglia - 02:23, Saturday 17 March 2018 (704)

Trying to understand why the best fitting function is not a erf function (given the hypothesis that the beam is cut at constant speed): maybe the exponential decay we see in the data is dominated by the electronics ? one can also try to fit with a function erf + exp. 

AkihiroTomura - 18:44, Saturday 17 March 2018 (705)

Constant velocity assumption may be wrong? I'm not very clear. I can try with some acceleration or the combination of erf and exp as you suggested.

MatteoLeonardi - 13:24, Monday 19 March 2018 (707)

According to the fit the decay time is 0.3msec that is a factor of 10 smaller than the cavity decay time.

EleonoraCapocasa - 21:53, Monday 19 March 2018 (709)

Actually, there is a factor 2 to take into accunt in the definition of the decay time we used, that is P = P0*exp(-2*t/tau)

(see https://www.osapublishing.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-21-24-30114 )

So the decay time from the "hand cutting" fit should be:  2/tau = 3149 => tau = 0.6 ms.  Anyway, since I used this definition also for computing the filter cavity decay time (about 2.7ms) if I'm not wrong we have a factor 5 of difference between the two, in any case.