R&D (FilterCavity)
Matteo Barsuglia - 00:24, Tuesday 13 March 2018 (691)
Simulation of the filter cavity with the FFT code OSCAR

In order to reproduce the "Pacman" shape seen in the reflected beam (see #entry 687), I have made a simulation of the cavity using the FFT code OSCAR.


The shape is more or less reproduced with a mismatching of 4% and a misalignemnt of 5microrad of the end mirror.

I attach the plot of the fields and the script used (it needs the code OSCAR to be used), which can be useful also for other applications. 

Power in the input beam 1 [W] 
 Circulating power 2522.16 [W] 
 Transmitted power 0.0252216 [W] 
 Reflected power 0.974609 [W] 


 Power in the input beam 1 [W] 
 Circulating power 2522.16 [W] 
 Transmitted power 0.0252216 [W] 
 Reflected power 0.974609 [W] 
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