R&D (FilterCavity)
EleonoraCapocasa - 20:31, Sunday 11 February 2018 (662)
Realignment of the green beam and spikes issue (solved) on PR yaw

Participants: Eleonora, Matteo L.

Last Thurday, while measuring the hight of some optical component on the bench, the green beam got a bit misaligned. When we realigned it, we observed that the trasmission when the cavity is locked is higher than usualy (1.5 V). The beam seemed still centered on the cavity mirrors and the IR is still well aligned. 

We observed that the references of the PR and in particualr BS have slightly changed in yaw and we marked a new one.

At some point we had a problem of spikes with PR yaw error signal. We observed that this was the only one very far from zero. The spikes disappear as soon as we put it backto zero.