R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao,AkihiroTomura - 11:55, Friday 15 December 2017 (610)
irises realignment and checking infrared beam
During yesterday and the day before, we mainly did two things.

1. For leaving space for the shield case, we moved two irises close to PR. Due to one of them is used to fix the lens rail, so we need to adjust the lens again to get good mode matching. Adjusting that lens costed a period of time, and then we can lock the cavity as it before.

2. Then we improvised a tripod to hold the camera, which is used for the near iris in the vacuum tube. Then we adjusted its position. Note that the camera we used here if found on the optical bench in the central room.

3. While we can see the EM transmitted signal, we rise up both of two irises one by one. And we cannot see a clear infrared on the iris. At the same time, the transmitted signal was blocked partly.

By the way, I found the transmitted signal of EM is on the edge of EM chamber view port.
(You can see the infrared checking video by clicking the following link.)