R&D (FilterCavity)
AkihiroTomura,YuhangZhao,MatteoLeonardi - 11:46, Wednesday 22 November 2017 (596)
Filter cavity locking after FC pump shutdown

Three days after FC pump shutdown on last Saturday, we checked the filter cavity locking system. Soon the whole system recovered properly and the cavity was locked. Note that the transmission power while being locked was improved after we changed the demodulation phase. Now it is around 8.0V while it was 4.0V before.


Preparing for installation of coverage on the optical bench, we are changing positions of some optical components. We changed the main laser position slightly. Fortunately, it did not cause problems. One thing we want to notice is that we now have only two clamps fixing laser onto the bench because of lack of space. We do not recommend you to touch laser body.