R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao, TomuraAkihiro, MatteoLeonardi - 22:35, Friday 17 November 2017 (594)
Measurement about locking and electronics
1. The measurement of non-filter output of Direct Digital Synthesizer(DDS)
We found on the electronic board of DDS that there is port for non-filter output. So we did some measurement. Although we can detect some signals, like -78dBm or -83dBm. It really means there is no effective output. The signal we detected is the signal leak from other channels.

2.Radio Frequency(RF) signal parameter
RF for Second Harmonic Generator(SHG): Frequency is 15.2MHz, Amplitude is 799mV(pp)
RF for Filter Cavity(FC) demodulation: Frequency is 78MHz, Phase is -0.08, Amplitude is 8.5V(pp)
RF for FC modulation: Frequency is 78MHz, Phase is 109.16, Amplitude is 1V(pp)
RF for Acoustic Optical Modulation(AOM): Frequency is 110MHz, Amplitude is 11dBm.
Amplifier for AOM: Mini Circuit ZHL-2(the gain according to data sheet is around 18dB)

3.Locking measurement
We accept the suggestion of yuefan to check the beam size. And we can see the peak value of transmitted power is around 1.2V as before. The error signal is around 4.7V peak to peak. After locking, the transmitted voltage is around 390mV.
Note here: The first and third value is from the oscilloscope around PC. The second value is from the oscilloscope on the rack. They have roughly 10 times difference for the same signal. We will check later where it is from, like oscilloscope setting or cable difference.

4.Before this week's locking, I found there is also drift. But it happened while the local control is off(see attached photo). And it is really similar with the photo I tool last time. I will check after this weekend where the beam will be next week.
Images attached to this report