KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 10:18, Monday 16 October 2017 (568)
PD linearity

Measured the power of the probes with and without the surface calibration sample to check the transmission of the sample at different wavelengths

633nm: 2.87 mW -> 1.89 mW  Transmission= 65%

1310nm: 24.8 mW -> 16.6 mW Transmission= 67%


To check linearity of the Si PD, I measured the HeNe power and changed it putting some filters while measuring the PD DC signal

2.87 mW -> 6.58V
2.44 mW -> 6.52V
1.45 mW  -> DC=4.28V
1.22mW (2 filters) -> 3.4V
328uW -> DC=0.88V

Result: the PD is saturated, see plot

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