KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 20:36, Tuesday 12 September 2017 (556)
Pre-clean booth installation

Members: Manuel, Kuroki

- Tanioka-san helped us with the crane moving one clean-booth from the first floor to downstairs. 

- We washed the prefilter of the clean booth and wipe the walls of the booth inside and outside.

- We stuck the mats on the floor at the entrances of the pre-clean area and put a hanger for the clean suits

- We cut an aperture to enter in the clean booth from the pre-clean booth

- Using some anti-static sheet, we covered the space between the pre-clean booth and the clean booth

- We installed an in-line filter for the air shower, between the membrane-air-dryer and the pressure regulator.

- We moved the electronic parts of the experiment in the pre-clean area (computer, display, keyboard, mouse, and lock-in amplifier) and reconnected the cables

- We wiped inside the clean-booth using wipers and sticky rollers.

- We cover almost all the unused optical table holes with the anti-static sheet. So when we make an air shower of the experiment, the dust doesn't come from the holes.

Images attached to this report
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