R&D (FilterCavity)
YuefanGuo - 10:24, Thursday 20 July 2017 (535)
Mode cleaner test
After the installation of the MC, we started to test it with the green beam in order to make sure that the mechanical part works well.

Mode cleaner cavity consists of three mirrors, two of them are flat and one is curve. After the curve mirror there is the PZT to change the cavity length for finding a good mode matching. This piezo is connected to the output of PZT driver whose input is connected to a function generator to provide the scan signal.

Since we only want to do a simple test, so we did not use the telescope design but only one 200mm lens after the beam splitter, then two steering mirrors used to align the cavity, at the output of the MC, a PD with DC output is used to see the modes. The whole configuration shows in pic 1.

We used 25Hz ramp wave with amplitude of 1Vpp to scan the cavity. At the beginning, we only saw some fluctuation but no peaks. When we tried to make the output beam go straight, we were not able to do it.(Always cut by the mirror mount) So we removed the MC and aligned better from the lens, sent the beam after the mirror far enough to make sure it goes along the holes of table. When we put back the MC, we could see some higher modes at the output and also the curve mirror has some transmission beam this time. Put back the PD, we saw pic 2 on the oscilloscope. By checking the beam shape with the curve mirror transmission and the spectrum, we got better mode matching. In pic 3, the highest peak is TEM00, we also checked it by moving the voltage of the PZT driver by hand. I think this means the mechanical part of the MC works well, we are able to align the cavity with this design.
Images attached to this report
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