R&D (FilterCavity)
MarcEisenmann - 16:55, Wednesday 19 July 2017 (534)
Mode cleaner assembly
The assembly of the mode cleaner was finished last week.
A small problem was encounter : While screwing the cover part of the hole of cavity to the mode cleaner, a screw stayed stuck.
This was due to the fact that too long screw were proposed on the design. Instead of using M4*12, we used M4*8 screw for this part. We also used ethanol to avoid to stuck another screw.
Also, we couldn't find M3*16 screws so we used M3*15 screws.

To protect the wire used for the piezo power supply, we used a small piece of aluminum folded. One part is screwed to the optical bench while the other part hold a adaptor between BNC and the 2 wires for the piezo.