R&D (FilterCavity)
YuefanGuo - 15:50, Friday 07 July 2017 (526)
AOM calibration and green power fluctuation
We tried to calibrate the AOM on the mode cleaner path. With a 100mm lens to focus the beam, followed the operation manual. At first, we put the AOM around the beam waist position and adjusted the beam position at the input and output port to have the highest transmission rate before we powered it up. And also we set the position of the beam on the screen we put as close as we can from the bench edge, so this will be our 0 order position.

Then we powered up the AOM, there was the other orders appearing, the one close to the 0 order is the 1st order which we need. We put a PD at the 1st order, connected it to the oscilloscope and started to turn the AOM to have maximum power in the 1st order. After finding the best position of the AOM, we tried to change the RF power we were sending to increase the power more. But when we tried to do this, we found out the power fluctuation is about 40-50% percent, it was much more than the tolerance.

We put PD both in the infrared path and the green path to check the fluctuation of the green is coming from the infrared or not. Then we found out since the PD aperture is quite small, so it will increase the degree of uncertainty we saw. So we changed the PD to the powermeter which has larger aperture. This time the infrared is quite stable and the green is fluctuating but much less than before. We guessed that the fluctuation of the green is coming from the changing of the SHG cavity alignment when people moving around or touching the bench. We are going the install the MZ and stabilize the green.

Then other thing we checked is that the SHG loop gain we are using now is 50. But with this gain,if we changed the power sent to the PZT, the cavity cannot pull the error signal back to zero when the cavity is locked. If we increase the gain, until it reaches 10000, there will be no oscillation appear, the cavity will be locked more stable, but one problem is that it will be quite easy also lock on the other mode. We will try to find a the optimal gain considering also the filter cavity.