KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 16:27, Thursday 06 July 2017 (525)
Status report

- In order to increase the pump power safely, we cover the laser path with aluminum black walls and black paper. 

- We also cover the probe part in order to stop air flow from hepa filters which is a possible noise source. Kuroki-san helped me on this tasks.

- I put a small translation stage below the half ball in the imaging unit in order to adjust better the alignment and I tried many times the alignment until I found a good signal for the surface reference sample, comparable with the one of last year. Also the bulk reference sample gives almost the same signal as last year.

- The parts for the 1310nm probe laser were delivered, I glued the golden prism mirror on a half inch post, I'm waiting for the glue to cure under the neon lamps

Images attached to this report
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