R&D (FilterCavity)
RaffaeleFlaminio - 10:50, Monday 19 June 2017 (509)
Vacuum in EM2, Gate valve opening and pressure
On Monday June the 12th after lunch I started the evacuation in the EM2 chamber using the large rotative pump.
After 30'-45' the pressure was at 100 mTor so I started the turbo pump.
On Friday evening (June 17th) the pressure in the EM2 chamber reached 3.1e-7 Torr.
On the other side of the gate valve the pressure was 1.1 e-7 Torr.
So I open the large gate valve and immediately after the valve between the turbo pump and the tube
(the valve between the turbo pump and the EM2 chamber was already open).
The pressure went up a little bit in the 1e-6 Torr range and then came down again.
This morning (Monday June the 19th) the pressures are:

EM2 chamber = 1.6e-7 Torr
EM2 tube = 2.3e-7 Torr
Middle of the tube: 4.7e-8 Torr
Middle of the tube: 2.7e-8 Torr
NM2 tube = 8.6e-8 Torr (this sensor was not working but is working again now)
NM2 chamber = in air

Overall it looks reasonable to me even if there is probably some out-gassing coming
from the EM2 chamber.