KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 19:43, Monday 12 June 2017 (499)
Imaging unit optical board positioning

I moved the large sample to a z position such that the first surface is about 1 cm beyond the pump-probe cross point.

Using the Zaber Console, I read the position with the command "/02 0 tools storepos 1 current". Position is 1039045 1039045. Then set this position as the max translation limit for each axis with the commands "/02 1 set limit.away.pos 1039045" and "/02 2 set limit.away.pos 1039045".

I also noticed that there is a screw of the mount that risks to hit the HeNe probe mirror mount, so I also set the min limit on axis z to 50000 steps (~6.2mm) with the commands "/02 1 set limit.home.pos 50000" and "/02 2 set limit.home.pos 50000" see picture.

Images attached to this report
499_20170612124237_p6120456.jpg 499_20170612124248_p6120455.jpg