KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 17:14, Friday 26 May 2017 (477)
Comment to Sesnsitivity curve with crystalline coatings and squeezing (Click here to view original report: 476)

I calculate the horizon of BBH and BNS  for the sensitivity curves:

- Amorfous coating ; no squeezing      BBH = 3.28 GPc, BNS = 360 MPc;

- Amorfous coating ; squeezing           BBH =  4.42 GPc, BNS = 509 MPc; 

- Crystalline coating ; no squeezing     BBH =  3.46 GPc, BNS =  378 MPc; 

- Crystalline coating ; squeezing          BBH = 4.90 GPc, BNS = 566 MPc;  

d_H = (G^5/6 * M^1/3 * mu^1/2) / (c^3/2 * pi^2/3 * rho) * sqrt( 5/6 * int_f1^f2 f^(-7/3) / S(f) df)

M is the sum of the 2 masses, mu is the reduced mass, rho is the SNR, f1 and f2 are the frequency range for the event signal, S(f) is the noise spectrum (square of the equivalent strain)

I used f1=10Hz; f2_BBH=73Hz; f2_BNS=1571Hz

M_BH = 30M_sun (M=60 M_sun)

M_NS = 1.4M_sun (M=2.4 M_sun)

rho = 8