R&D (General)
YuefanGuo - 16:09, Tuesday 18 April 2017 (457)
The target control system at 290m
Today when we tried to align the beam in the arm, we found the system to control the target at 290m.

So from the first picture you can see the blue pipe, it is connected to a pump, then it can move the platform in picture two to move the target up and down. Then in the second picture, there is a motor used to turn the target. So both of these two controller are connected to the blue box in picture three. From what written on this box, we found out we can control this system locally and also remotely. So we followed the cable from this box to the end room, found another controller there(Pic 4&5). Now we keep the target there with moving the platform and motor locally, but if we want to make future work easier, it is better to find out how to do the remote control with the controller in the end room.
Images attached to this report
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