R&D (FilterCavity)
EleonoraCapocasa - 21:13, Wednesday 15 March 2017 (413)
Picomotors cabling of the steering mirrors in the PR chamber

Today we checked the picotmotors and the cabling of the 2 steering mirrors in the PR chamber. They both work fine.

The connections has been done in order to have two cables exiting from the flange, labelled SM PITCHS and SM YAWS. (See first attached picutre)

According to the hand-pad convention (A, B, C),  the connections are the following:




Where SM1 is the steering mirror closer to the suspension (on the path of the green beam) and SM2 is the mirrror further from the suspension (on the path of the IR beam). See  second attached picture.

NB: cables for the steering mirror picomotors are connected to the flange closer to the optical table( which has also the coils cables), those for the control of the suspension are connected to the opposite one.

Images attached to this report
413_20170316160553_flangiapr.png 413_20170316160709_picosr.png