KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 01:01, Saturday 11 March 2017 (408)
Metallic coated 5mm half ball glued on 1

I checked the gluing test with the uncoated half ball (elog entry http://www2.nao.ac.jp/~gw-elog/osl/?r=390).

I pushed a bit the half ball and I couldn't remove it, so the gluing is successful.

Therefore I could proceed with the gluing of the coated one.

I made a hole in a plastic cap to hold the coated half ball.

Put some glue on the border oh the central hole of a 1" metal plate

Took the glued plate and attached on the half ball.

Used the plastic cap to adjust the position.

Now I wait for the glue to dry and to cure.

Images attached to this report
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