R&D (General)
YuefanGuo - 10:49, Thursday 02 March 2017 (397)
Green power and the effciency
I upload two figure, the first one is the green power as a function a infrared power.Both in the two figures, the infrared power was measured just before the cavity, and the green is measured in the transmit path of the dichoric mirror. This is the result after I adjusted the EOM and BS mirror, so I got a maximum power of green over 60mW.

In the second figure, the y-axis is the green power over infrared power, I just want to show the efficiency of infrared change into green at different input power.

I already changed the dichoric mirror from Thorlab two inch one into CVI one inch mirror has a anti-reflect coating on the back side can reduce the amount of power reflect by it. Still doing the alignment with the new mirror.
Images attached to this report
397_20170302024310_power.jpg 397_20170302024322_effciency.jpg