R&D (General)
YuefanGuo - 21:48, Tuesday 28 February 2017 (394)
Progress of Feb 28th
I removed the EOM and checked the polarization, if not there is not enough space for PBS. The total power inject onto the PBS is 768mW, and the reflect part is 764mW, so I think this is enough to prove the polarization is S.

Then I put the EOM back and adjust it to a good position, also change the move the BS mirror a little bit for not let the beam goes too closed to the edge. After these, I do the alignment again and get pretty good mode matching.

I changed the laser power, to see with different amount of infrared what is the efficiency of the green production. And at one infrared power I measured the green beam with different SHG temperature, and found the best phase matching temperature. I tried to make a plot, but found at there are two points are not very reasonable, I will measure it again tomorrow to see if the problem comes from the measurement.