R&D (FilterCavity)
Raffaele Flaminio - 11:18, Wednesday 22 February 2017 (387)
Comment to Check the phase matching temperature (Click here to view original report: 385)
- Indeed the Pound-Drever signal looked strange.
Out of the resonance is very close to zero as it should. So there is no large electronic offset.
On one side of the resonance the signal is positive and looks relatively normal.
But on the other side of the resonance it's only slightly negative and when the cavity is at
resonance the signal is positive. A picture would have helped this explanation.

- When the cavity is at resonance we measured about 65 mW on the green beam coming
from the SHG and transmitted through the dichroich mirror. It would be nice to see how much
IR power we are injecting into the SHG cavity. It would also be interesting to see how much
green light is not transmitted by the dichroic mirror to have a full picture.