R&D (General)
YuefanGuo - 17:46, Monday 06 February 2017 (369)
Some pictures for better understanding
The first picture shows the shape of the green beam when the cavity is locked at the right temperature.

For the second picture, I tried to scan the cavity with pretty small amplitude triangle wave, and then change the PZT driver by hand to get near to the resonance.

From the picture, there are two problems:

The first one is the what I described before, the slopes from two side of the peak is different, take the first peak as an example, the reduce process is faster than the increase part.

The second is that the two different peaks are actually the same mode but they did not look the same. I discussed with Manuel and we thought it maybe because of the hysteresis, there are some loss in the PZT.
Images attached to this report
369_20170206082311_p2060243.jpg 369_20170206082328_p2060246.jpg