KAGRA MIR (Polarization)
MarcEisenmann - 21:08, Tuesday 04 June 2024 (3593)
polarization camera tuning in PCI

[Hugo, Marc, Shalika]

We installed the lens found by Shalika on 5cm tube attached to the camera.

We installed the camera and prepared alignment.

WIthout sample, the polarization was quite off pure s-polarized light so we started to optimize the input polarization. However, we were quickly limited by the 0.1deg rotation resolution of the HWP and QWP so we swapped their mount for higher manual precision ones. During this process, we found a small scratch at the edge of the HWP so we replaced it.

We started to tune the input polarization and achieved quite nice polarization with 0.01deg fluctuations in azimuth and ellipticity. However, it seems the camera alignment should be further optimized as we only have about 0.9mW reaching the camera (from the 1.6mW injected).