Even though the voltages are being used from the file, it seems there could be a deviation, considering we did the calibration of LC 2 months ago. I can't see a zero crossing in azi and ell, also the file is a bit huge, so it will take longer than expected.
I am going to instead do scan using the voltage range estimated but without using the file, and doing first a rough scan, and then will later do a finer scan.
The voltage range estimated from characterization is 7-8 V for LC 1 and 0-25V for LC2 with condition of 2 degrees on azi and ell.
So, doing a scan from 6-9V with 0.2V step, and 0-25V, 0,2V step.
measurement file:
C:\Users\atama\OneDrive\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Coating measurement\BB1-E03\20240417\0 deg\AfterCompensation\Sun, May 5, 2024 2-44-03 PM.txt
(could see zero crossing in labview, still need to plot, measurement finished by the time I finished writing this elog)