KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
MarcEisenmann - 19:13, Tuesday 13 February 2024 (3437)
preparation of PCI restart

[Marc, Shalika]

We first spent quite some time to try to clean the PCI pre clean room.

It's quite dirty and also seems almost impossible to remove the black plastic left on the floor by the tripod of the scattering camera...

We then cleaned also the pci clean room but it is luckily in a bit better state.

We restarted the pump laser which is now emitting 1.6mW (as for birefringence measurement).

We homed the translation stage to recover it.

We installed the 2 razor blades and check the pump beam vertical cut at 316,140,50 and horizontal cut at 400,54,50 (all are X,Y,Z in mm).

Tomorrow we will check the beam parameters.