R&D (Speed meter)
YoheiNishino - 19:42, Monday 05 February 2024 (3431)
Characterizatio of PBS

This is a continuous work of 3429.

We characterized the sample PBS again. The point of this measurement is to elminate systematic error, caused by poor linearity of input polarization.

Schematics, vector data and jupyter notebook can be found here.

Input beam polarization

To avoid cross-coupling of orthogonal polarization into measurement, we tuned input polarization to only S (or P) pol. The table show relation of the HWP and GTP angles and input (output from the GTP) beam power.

Orthogonal polarizations of S and P modes are smaller than the main mode by a factor of  ~10^3. Therfore the contribution from this orthogonal polarization can be negligible.

Ø_H [degrees] Ø_G [degrees] P_in Mode
114 295 32 uW  
114 205 7.3 mW S
69 295 7.8 mW P
69 205 23 uW  


This table shows data to derive calibration factors of P ans S modes.

Mode Ø_H [degrees] Ø_G [degrees] V_in [mV] {data name} P_in (sigma) P_in/V_in  [W/V]
P 69 295 41.5  (0.1) {135543.csv} 7.47 mW (313.16 nW)  0.1688 (0.0007)
S 114 205 610.2 (0.2) {131953.csv} 6.75 mW (1.76 uW) 1.1009e-2 (6e-6)
Background - - -2.67 (0.14) {120349.csv} 2.98 uW (480.84 pW) -


Mode V_in [mV] {data name} Infered P_in [mW] P_out P_out/P_in [%] Spec
P 606.5 (2) {134910.csv} 7.65 7.17 mW (1.70 uW) 93.7 (6) -
S 45.3 (2) {130913.csv} 6.67 9.51 uW (1.15 nW) 0.1424 (1) < 0.2 %


0.1424 (1)


Mode V_in [mV] Infered P_in [mW] P_out P_out/P_in [%] Spec
P 45.0 (2) {135126.csv} 7.59 7.78 uW (5.71 nW) 0.102 (1)  < 3 %
S 602.6 (4) {130530.csv} 6.63 6.47 mW (3.16 uW)  97.5 (1) -

The estimated S-pol transmissivity T_s and P-pol reflectivity R_p were T_s = 0.1424 and R_p = 0.102 (1), which satisfy the values in the specification sheets.

P_out/P_in [%]
602.6 (4)