R&D (Speed meter)
YoheiNishino - 22:29, Tuesday 30 January 2024 (3422)
Bandwidth and loss measurement


This is a report on 22th Janualy 2024.

I measure the badwidth of the main cavity again by modulating the laser-crystal temperature to scan its frequency. 

To calibrate frequency from scanning velocity, phase modulation sideband at 15.24 MHz was used. Vector data, plots, and jupyter code are available here.

Measured bandwidth are (N=13, unit: kHz):

325.7 366.6 428.4 347.9 350.1 321.2 353.0 388.9 415.3 361.8 377.3 367.0 334.0 330.4

Mean: 362.0,

Standard deviation: 31.0

From these values, total loss of this cavity is derived as 4549 (\pm 390) ppm. Input transmissivity is ~ 4000 pppm, therefore the estimated absorption and scattering loss is ~549 (\pm 390) ppm.