KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 00:44, Wednesday 07 December 2016 (342)
1310nm probe beam laser profile measurement

Members [Manuel, Matteo L.]

I measured the divergence of the 1310nm laser. Since the beam profiler doesn't work over  1100nm, I used the DET10N-InGaAs Detector to measure the time-dependent intensity while the beam is cut by the chopper. On the oscilloscope, I measure the rising time from 10% to 90% of the gaussian integral and calculate the waist and the divergence. I repeated for several chopper positions along the beam axis.

divergence = 1.0 ± 0.1 mrad.

waist = 420±40 um

Images attached to this report
342_20161206164117_1310nmprofile.jpg 342_20161206164139_screenshotfrom20161207004048.png