R&D (Speed meter)
MunetakeOtsuka - 10:21, Tuesday 23 January 2024 (3411)
PD calibration

Date: Jan 17, 2024

Place: ATC North

by Yohei Nishino & Munetake Otsuka

System (1)Laser from Cavity ->Mirror ->BS->Mirror->Lens(f100)->PD with (3)Gain Dial->(2)Electric Output

(3)Gain Dial Object (1)Optical Power (1)Optical Power (2)Electrical Output (2)Electrical Output
    mean SD mean range
20dB Background 77.64uW 60.76nW 0mV  
20dB Laser 769.22uW 31.83nW 534mV 522mV-548mV
10dB Background 76.21uW 37.73nW 3.99mV 1mV-9mV
10dB Laser not measured(same as the others)   172mV 165mV-175mV
0dB Background 76.12uW 66.35nW 0mV -1.19mV-1.20mV
0dB Laser 705uW 30.63nW 54.0mV 48.4mV-54.0mV

